Our Story
Making sure the impact we create in farming is a good one for future generations

Being able to own land here on the Central Coast, much less farm it, is not easy to say the least. We grow organic fruit, vegetables, and flowers on 200 acres in Monterey County – 120 acres are apart of a conservation easement. With the partnership of the Elkhorn Slough Foundation we were able to make our dream of owning our farm reality.
How we grow organically and manage it is by letting Mother Nature do her thing and we don’t try to push her in a certain way. We let the natural process and flavor of the food we grow come through and speak for itself.
Packaging sustainably started for us in 2017 when we chose to pack our strawberries in ReadyCycle®. For us it was the right thing to do for our environment, as land stewards, and for our customers.
Our team is what makes JSM Organics a reality, we pride ourselves on taking care of one another. Being happy, living well, and providing food for our communities. The path that destiny had for me, makes me incredibly thankful that it led me back to farming.
Thank you for supporting our family farm – we hope to see you soon at the market or here on the farm.
Muchisimas Gracias
– Javier Zamora